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Video: Take a virtual lap of the Baltimore Grand Prix circuit

The IZOD IndyCar series has released a computer-generated simulation of a discerning path around a Baltimore Grand Prix circuit. With a prolonged behind straight, drivers should be means to ratchet their machines up to a blistering 180 miles per hour prior to shedding all which speed for an sudden right. With zero banking as well as all of a unpleasantries which come along with racing opposite uneven, bumpy public streets, a course should suggest copiousness of challenges for teams as well as their drivers. Turn 3 offers a 180-degree hairpin as well as what could be a most appropriate place to pass upon a track. Drivers who stop late as well as lift speed by a spin will mount a possibility during picking up position.

Turns five, six as well as 7 start in discerning succession as a course darts behind as well as forth by Baltimore, upping a odds which during slightest one race horse will pick up a little concrete upon a way in to a some-more technical section from a 120 mph straight. The total course promises to suggest copiousness of action once a mottled flag drops this week end upon Sunday, Sep 4. Hit a burst to check out a video.